Created to help you ways to be more profitable & scalable. Based on lifecycle principles & marketing econometrics.

Elevate Optimisation Model

Achieving sustained growth requires a strategic, integrated model that not only drives efficiency but ensures it is profitable, sustainable, and competitive.

The Elevate Optimisation Model is designed precisely with these goals in mind, providing a comprehensive framework that addresses the core areas where businesses often seek improvement.

Highly data-driven as the model uses marketing econometrics like MMM, impact assessment, regression analysis, ECMs, etc.

How it works?

EOM isn’t just a strategy; it's a transformative process that integrates every aspect of your business. This comprehensive model ensures that each department’s efforts enhance the others, creating a seamless experience for your customers and a more efficient framework for your business.

We go beyond traditional marketing-centric frameworks by incorporating sales, product, and service directly into the growth cycle. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your business is aligned and contributing to your growth momentum.

How can EOM help you?

  • With an emphasis on customer centric strategies, the EOM can reduce reliance on costly advertising, improving conversion rates & the return on investment (ROI) for marketing expenditures.

    By holistic approach between stakeholders, messaging can be tailored to address specific needs and pain points, making marketing more relevant and engaging.

  • EOM prioritises ongoing engagement with customers even after the initial sale, helping to keep the brand top-of-mind and fostering long-term loyalty.

    Cohesive interactions between departments ensures offering timely and relevant promotions or product recommendations based on the customer's previous interactions and purchase history, increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

  • Our focus on long-term relationships increases the lifetime value of each customer, boosting your overall profitability. By understanding customer behaviour and preferences, EOM helps identify opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling, thereby increasing the average order value and overall customer lifetime value.

  • EOM helps in allocating marketing resources more efficiently by focusing on high-value segments and tailoring efforts to different stages of the customer journey, reducing waste and increasing ROI.

    By aligning your team efforts towards common goals and reducing duplication of efforts, we ensure efficient use of your resources, leading to cost savings and higher profitability.

  • Continuous feedback drives innovation, keeping your offerings competitive and allowing you to command premium prices.

  • Lifecycle approach lies heavily on data and analytics to understand customer behaviour and preferences. This helps making informed decisions and fine-tuning marketing strategies for better results.

    Leveraging predictive analytics can help anticipate customer needs and behaviours, allowing businesses to proactively address them and stay ahead of competitors.

  • EOM provides a sustainable approach to growth by nurturing existing customer relationships and encouraging repeat business, reducing the pressure on constant new customer acquisition.

    As the process gains momentum, it becomes easier to scale operations without a proportional increase in costs, due to the self-sustaining nature of customer referrals and repeat business.

1. Initial Assessment and Consultation

In-depth interviews with key stakeholders. A comprehensive market and competitor analysis. Identifying gaps in the current strategies aligning with the objectives and market demands.

2. Custom Strategy Development

Workshops with stakeholders. Developing a customised model. Create a detailed action plan with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives for each phase.

3. Monitoring and Adjustment

Regularly monitoring the performance against the set goals using KPIs. Establishing continuous feedback mechanisms. Making iterative adjustments to strategies based on performance data and feedback.

4. Implementation Support

Initiate the implementation phase with clear timelines and role assignments. Providing ongoing support and guidances. Assisting in selecting and integrating technology solutions that facilitate the effective execution.

5. Review and Scale

Conducting comprehensive reviews to assess the outcomes of the implementation against the initial goals. Developing plans for scaling successful strategies, including exploring new market opportunities or further product enhancements. Providing a long-term roadmap that outlines future actions and checkpoints to continue leveraging the growth model effectively.

How it differs?

  • Most processes and models are linear, EOM offers a holistic approach that recognises the interconnectedness of various business functions. It emphasises a continuous cycle where each component feeds into and enhances the other, creating a self-sustaining momentum that goes beyond linear progression.

  • While many traditional models focus on the business’s needs (such as pushing a product or closing a sale), the EOM pivots to a customer-centric approach. It focuses intensely on understanding and solving customer problems, delighting them at every touchpoint.

  • In many conventional models, the customer’s journey is seen as having a clear end point—usually a sale. The EOM views every customer interaction as an opportunity for ongoing engagement. Instead of targeting a single transaction, it aims to create an ongoing dialogue with customers, fostering long-term relationships that enhance customer lifetime value (CLV) and ongoing business growth.

  • While traditional models may utilize data, the Elevate Growth Model integrates advanced data analytics into every process. This real-time data drives decisions, not only in marketing but across the board. The model’s agility allows businesses to quickly adapt to changes in customer behavior, market conditions, or the competitive landscape, making it far more responsive than models that rely on periodic review and adjustment.

  • Traditional models often emphasise quick wins and short-term goals to impress stakeholders. In contrast, the EOM is built with sustainability at its core. It aims for growth that is not only profitable but also ethical and sustainable over the long term.

  • Instead of operating in silos, which is often the case with traditional models, the EOM encourages cross-functional collaboration. Marketing, sales, customer service, and product development teams work in unison, informed by shared data and common objectives. This ensures a unified approach to customer satisfaction and business growth.

We want to thrive together.

At Elevate, we’re redefining what it means to work with an agency. We invite you to join us in challenging traditional agency-client relationships and embrace a partnership model that is collaborative & dynamic.

We’re committed to working side-by-side with you to achieve your objectives. By breaking down barriers and fostering open communication, we ensure that our collaboration is built on trust and mutual respect.

Our partnership is rooted in a continuous exchange of ideas, feedback, and insights. By learning from each other, we can refine our strategies and improve our performance, ensuring that we’re always moving forward.

Our partnership approach is flexible and adaptable, allowing us to respond to changes and seize new opportunities as they arise. We stay agile and proactive, ensuring that we’re always ahead of the curve.

We believe in celebrating every milestone and success together. Recognising and appreciating the achievements we make as a team strengthens our partnership and motivates us to reach even greater heights.